TransVA Valley 535
DC to Damascus
536.8 miles / 33,602′
This is a more approachable alternate based on the full TransVA route that:
- Favors state-maintained gravel roads over rough surfaces (like singletrack and less maintained doubletrack).
- Has 11k’ less climbing, following the valleys more than the high ridges. Other than the high paved road climb up to Whitetop near the route’s end, elevations stay below 3000′.
- Can be ridden on a gravel/all road bike with 32-40c tires more comfortably
- Intersects the main TransVA route periodically, allowing riders to jump up (for more challenge) or down (if you think you’re in over your head on the tougher route)
- Has more options for resupply and lodging (datasheet below)
TransVA Valley 535 Resupply / Overnights
This is a complete list of resupply points and overnight options along the Valley 535 route at specific mile markers from DC to Damascus (southbound). Items in this list include lodging (hotel, hostel, cabin, campground, primitive campsite), food (restaurant, country store, supermarket, gas station/convenience store) and water (public taps, springs or natural water source requiring treatment). Picnic and rest areas are also noted, as well as some points of interest. Each of these points has a corresponding waypoint in the RideWithGPS page (GPX file export). Please email any additions or corrections to
View the Valley TransVA resupply sheet in a new window.
Updated March 27, 2023